giovedì 23 ottobre 2008

Matching Mole - Canterbury Anthology ( Vol 10 ) 1972

                                          Matching Mole

                                               Canterbury Anthology (Vol.10)

Matching Mole - Canterbury Anthology 

Track list: 

01 - Marchides (BBC 1972) 
02 - Gloria Gloom 
03 - March Ides 2 (BBC 4-17-72) 
04 - Instant Pussy (BBC 4-17-72) 
05 - March (Europe-March 1972) 
06 - Instant Pussy (BBC In Concert 7-27-72) 
07 - Lything And Gracing (BBC In Concert 7-27-72) 
08 - Organ Solo (BBC In Concert 7-27-72) 
09 - March Ides (BBC In Concert 7-27-72) 
10 - Part Of The Dance (BBC In Concert 7-27-72) 
11 - God Song 
12 - Gloria Gloom (BBC 7-21-72) 
13 - Nan True's Hole (BBC 7-21-72)

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